Johannesburg, 28 July 2017 – FundEX2017 hosted by the Riversands Incubation Hub is just around the corner on Thursday 17 August 2017. Riversands is proud to announce that Ran Neu-Ner will deliver the opening address. Here’s why you should listen to Neu-Ner…
Neu-Ner is a serial entrepreneur, investor and mentor. He founded The Creative Counsel (TCC) – South Africa’s largest advertising and marketing agency – with his childhood friend Gil Oved in 2001. In 2015, TCC was acquired by French advertising giant Publicis in a deal reported to be worth upwards of a billion rand.
The co-CEO of TCC has a string of successful and not so successful businesses to his name. He has been quoted as saying the principles he lives by are, “everything I am involved in must be brilliant. You have one reputation and I am determined to make sure that mine is never tarnished by mediocrity. It’s brilliance or nothing.”
FundEX2017 promises to be a great event – secure your seat today so you don’t miss out.